Hoodoo Spells

Hoodoo is a special type of witchcraft which is centered around natural folk magic and is often confused with voodoo, not just because it sounds the same, but because it also borrows some components and rituals from voodoo and it doesn’t stop there. Hoodoo is a complex hybrid or a number of religious-based and hoodoo practitioners are often Protestants and/or Catholics who cast bible magic spells.

Hoodoo spells are complex spells that rely on particular ingredients from the earth, used to cast “root spells,” as well as utilizing contributions from the human body, in the form of bodily fluids, hair or other bits and pieces with DNA intact. Hoodoo practitioners are also cited as performing rootwork spells or conducting hoodoo rootwork while employing the use of magical mojos, medicine bags, or other talismans.

Hoodoo magic includes powerful magical spells and curses that focus primarily on the person, the social environment, and the human condition. If you were to seek out hoodoo practitioners who cast hoodoo spells for money, you would most likely be doing so because you want them to cast a love spell.

If hoodoo has an area of expertise, the number one reason is that they appear to cast real magic spells that possess a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness in terms of their outstanding ability to cast a love spell.

The hoodoo love spell can have different faces. In one instance, the hoodoo love spell caster will make a resistant suitor fall in love with the client as their protective layer melts away and they see the beauty and develop a resonance with the person who orders up the hoodoo love spells.

Other faces of these hoodoo relationship spells include not only love spells, but marriage spells, divorce spells, spells to bring back lost lover, or hoodoo spells to break up a couple. Relationship spells and curses are problematic because they often affect more than just the person who may be the object of one’s affection. Other people such as spouses, or partners, friends and/or family may also have spells cast on them to ensure the results expected by the client.

Whether you’re a potential new hire looking for a job or a prospective love interest, you might seek out a hoodoo spell to make someone think of you in a particular light.

In many cases, the casting of a single spell can also include the casting of other spells or curses on otherwise innocent bystanders, or nearly disinterested parties who may suffer the longstanding effects of a spell being cast upon them, when they were simply a casualty of magic for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Other spells strongly associated with hoodoo magic include hoodoo money spells, hoodoo revenge spells, and you can even use a hoodoo spell to get rid of someone (in any degree of “getting rid of” that might be necessary).
Hoodoo rootworkers are also well-versed in the natural healing arts and commonly use root doctor spells to heal the sick as an alternative to utilizing a traditional healer, although with the use of hoodoo magic as a healing modality there may be residual side effects from employing the root conjuring.

Hoodoo practitioners are also adept at casting spells on juries, judges, prosecutors, and attorneys when administering effective hoodoo court case spells. Again, spells are cast on individuals who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

So, even if you have a hoodoo spell cast upon you, it may not be due to any fault of your own; you may have just been a casualty of someone else’s curse. Yet, the effects of the curse of spell will remain an influential force in your life, whether you obtained it directly or indirectly.

Because hoodoo spells and curses are loosely structured and may contain such a wide variety of mechanics and elements, they are nearly impossible to reverse engineer without identifying and cooperating with the hoodoo practitioner who cast the spell or curse in the first place.

The only way to be certain to undo the damage, to break the spell and eliminate the curse once and for all, is to seek out a professional group of highly trained, intuitive, and effective destructors of spells and curses. Only such a high level of spell reversal or curse removal can offer 100% guarantee on the results of their work for a lifetime.

If you feel you have been the victim of a hoodoo spell or curse, either directly or indirectly, the team at banishing spells 4u dot com can correctly diagnose and cure the source of your oppression.

Vine of Life Curse Removal

By Elizabeth Wilson

Imagine a vine of your liking. It may have fragrant flowers or thorns — or both. It may have bright glistening green leaves, or leaves that are dark and broody. Imagine this vine is you.

Like a vine, there are parts of you that we expect to stay consistent, such as some core personality traits or general looks. These may flourish or struggle, depending on the conditions. When we plant a vine from seed, we know pretty much what we’re going to get. We can predict the shape of the leaves, and the color of the flowers, as these qualities remain consistent, allowing for variation based on conditions (just like us).

What we cannot predict for the vine is the direction it will grow if left to its own devices.

Now imagine a post next to our vine. This is not a nice post. There are rough edges and splinters. Regardless, our vine climbs it and encircles it, because it’s all we have and know.

This post could be our unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors, “bad luck”, or even a curse. Whether the post we encircle and climb helps or us hinders us, it shapes us.

If you have come across this writing, you are probably looking into curses. If we remove the curse, represented by the post, (or attempt to abruptly withdraw from harmful thoughts or behaviors), we leave a void.

Our vine tumbles to the ground in a heap without this so-called support that we clung to before our self-realization inspired our movement for change.

As important as curse removals and positive thought and behavior changes are, these things must be done thoughtfully.

After removing your curse, we will support you by sending in extra energy to “reprogram” what you may have learned through this harmful shaping.

Imagine how you’d like your vine to grow — in a particular shape that that brings you peace, or perhaps growing wild and free?

The right energy and intent that we can provide will fill the void, “reshape” you, and prepare you for this new phase of life, unhindered.


Black Magic Spells

If you are suffering from having black magic spells cast upon you, your life will become quite problematic, and ridding yourself of a black magic spell involves a great deal of expertise and specialization. You may have tried many methods to free yourself from black magic spells to no avail.

Black magic is different from different kinds of magic in that it is dark in nature and sometimes referred to as dark magic as well. While there are many types of magic, generally they are put in two main categories, such as “white magic” which refers to a benevolent magic with positive intent, and “black magic” which is more nefarious in its intent.

Black magic practitioners have the ability to call upon demons and other evil spirits to do their bidding, as they cast hexes, curses and black magic spells. Some have been known to destroy crops and the businesses of farmers in perpetuity in their execution of revenge, likening it to generational curses.

In modern times, black magic spells and or curses are executed in the elimination of competition in business greatly affecting further business advancement. An entrepreneur under such a black magic spell will be unable to resume their otherwise successful business endeavors.

Practitioners of black magic administer black magic spells, like money spells and black magic love spells or revenge spells, which are authentic real magic spells. These dark magic spells access real black magic which is resistant to religious intervention. Many religious practitioners, as well as clergy, are affected by black magic spells.

For those who are proficient and know how to do black magic, they can cast the spell in such a way so as to make it look like a string of bad luck, or a variety of disease symptoms, which could make detection or diagnosis of black magic spells or curses quite difficult.

While you may not believe in the power of black magic and its efficacy, if you have knowledge of someone’s cursing you, the far-reaching effects will withstand far beyond wishful thinking or the placebo effect and may effectively span over successive generations. The sheer power of its pervasive impact will make anyone a believer in the long run.

The person responsible for the curse may not even practice the dark arts, as practitioners of black magic witchcraft may be available for hire, casting black magic spells for money at the behest of their paid clientele.

Also be aware that there are many different kinds of black magic witchcraft, such as voodoo black magic, African black magic as well as Indian black magic and others. This is why you need to consult with a black magic specialist if you are ever to have any hope of defending yourself from powerful black magic curses or spells.

The team at Banishing Spells 4U are a team of specialists well versed in black magic curse removal. While other services may claim to have a cure for black magic or tout a variety of do-it-yourself black magic remedies, let it be known that real black magic, the authentic, powerful black magic, will not respond to any DIY attempt at blackmagic removal.

Only a professional team, such as those found at Banishing Spells 4U can deliver a lifetime guaranteed removal of black magic, once and for all.

Without a proper diagnosis, you don’t know for certain if you are suffering from a streak of bad luck, are unlucky in love, or are suffering from declining mental, spiritual or physical health. The team at Banishing Spells 4U can correctly diagnose your black magic malady, and rid you of its further oppression.

Do you Need Our Team’s Curse Removal Services?

Learn more about breaking curses and bad luck from the negative influences placed on you by another person.

curse black majic spell

Curse are a paranormal phenomena or black magic that causes damage to a person, group or area – ranging from causing bad luck and minor haunting activities to attracting evil circumstances or even death and demonic invasion.

Breaking Up Spells

Do you think you could remove a curse yourself or do you know how to find someone who has experience in honorably removing the curse for you?

Curse removal or the breaking off a black magic spell is a valuable service offered by many established psychics or even a psychic medium who consults on these problems. How to choose the correct service for you?

Client suffer a terrible emotional pain when they have generational curses and negative influence placed on them by another person.

  • They have confusion
  • Pain
  • Depression
  • Bad luck from the negative influences
  • Some cannot find love or a good relationship
breaking generational curses
How many family members have had bad luck because of this?

What are hexes and curses?

Any intentional actions that were placed on another person to cause them harm, bad luck, and/or to attract evil.

Yes, curses are real.

They are conjured up artificial energy blockages. The imposed bad luck may be blocking a person’s

  • health
  • financial success
  • relationships
  • happiness
  • and may last for generations effecting family members for hundreds of years

Your Thoughts Are Things

Your thoughts, emotions or intentions have action behind them and can cause effects to other people. Positive thoughts and prayers are ways to send good energy to friends, love ones and situations. On the other hand, if a person is thinking evil thoughts and has bad intentions, you could call their action a curse, a magic spell or even a hex. Either way, thoughts are things so be careful do not send out negative influences to others because it might come back to you. Remember the Law of Karma! Send only good thoughts out and you will receive good thought back to you.


The reason we have this website is to help those who want help to get rid of a curse, remove a hex or a voodoo spell. Our team has had over 40 years’ experience in helping people remove black magic spells, Etc.

What is the difference between a psychic attack and placing a curse on someone?

  • The psychic attack might just be a thought, a feeling of getting even, or a jealously accompanied by a picture of bad luck. An angry person’s thoughts might be considered a financial curse.
  • while placing a curse on someone usually relies on a series of rituals tying the bad luck to the individual for all time and space.

You may wonder: “Have you been hexed?”
No matter what the reason for bad luck or even a professional curse placed on you, it can be removed. Our team might want to reverse the curse.

In any event breaking curses can be easily taken care of by our team.


What does it entail to remove a generational curse?

Curse - Breaking-Generational-Curses
Generational curses may effect hundreds of family members

Our team has to go back to the beginning of the curse where it has been placed on a whole generation are several generations of a family. We delete the curse. We remove the curse and all those people all down through the family line of persons affected by the curse. We reverse these curses and clear the energy for the family members.

We are especially trained in going to the source of the curse and we have done this many times with 100% successful results. We very good in breaking curses at the exact place and point in time where they were first placed on a person and their family. We have experience in clearing the bad energy down through time an space for all persons who were being cursed with bad luck or even accidents.



Generational Curses

Generational curses have been haunting familial bloodlines for year and years. Generation after generation is revisited by the curses associated with the sins of their fathers’ due to no fault of their own.

The professional curse removal team is proficient at breaking generational curses with their unique system of disconnecting and eliminating the source of all family curses. You and your entire family can enjoy the freedom from generational curses.

Freedom from generational curses

A generational curses list may consist of excessive or uncontrollable jealousy, gambling, hoarding, thievery, poverty, indebtedness, fornication, adultery, hatred, rage, violence, fear, substance addiction, rebellion, self-righteousness, depression, suicidal tendencies, lying, mental illness, and physical disease. Any of these which appear to follow a genetic line could be signs of generational curses.

The professional curse removal team knows how to break generational curses with 100% efficacy. In fact, they are the only paranormal professionals offering a 100% lifetime guarantee for breaking family curses, protecting future generations from the family curse, including cases involving generational curse demons.

Family Curse Removal

Family curse removal is not the type of spiritual work that you might like to entrust to any single psychic. That’s why we’ve assembled a team of specialized professional psychics, intercessors, and healers specially trained to eliminate family curses once and for all. It is only due to the assemblage of this particular task force, that they can offer a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee for life.

Generational curse signs include a history of mental, emotional breakdown, chronic sickness, trouble or inability to conceive, marital and family strife, financial unwellness ( the generational curse of poverty), accident-prone, suicidal, or premature death are among the family curses signs.

The team of powerful professional psychics is breaking the generational curse from all angles reaching across multiple dimensions, even if the curse is anchored many generations ago, or has been cast recently.

Bloodline curses can be particularly difficult to break as they can be attached to strands of the DNA, and may be active in current family members and may include the ongoing maintenance and observance of generational demons.

Only a multi-talented diverse team, such as this one, has access to the myriad of family curses stories, resources, and skills across the team to guarantee your ability to remove curse from self and family, including children who may be carrying the generational curse(s).

This multifaceted approach is the only known method for breaking ancestral curses at the root with the surety of deliverance from generational curses.

If you fear that your family may be suffering from family generational curses, please contact us for a review of your individual case. Not all families are afflicted by or in need of breaking soul ties and generational curses.

Our team will review each case of family generational curses individually. No services will be rendered if there is no need for deliverance generational curses.

Breaking ancestral curses will be performed by our professional team following your agreement to receive our specific services for dealing with generational curses, including absolution for generational sins and curses.

Enjoy the overcoming generational curses and blessings will begin to visit you and your family, empowering you to and your family to achieve living a better life.

Voodoo Priestess Curses Her Ex Lover and all his Family

By Elizabeth Wilson

My friend, Barbara, suffered from a curse — a curse that prevented lasting romantic love. She explained to me that her brothers, parents, and extended family were under this same curse.

The family story states that this curse traces back to her grandfather and his mistress. Barbara’s grandfather was fond of women who were not his wife. One of these women was a beautiful Voodoo Priestess, and she refused to share this man quietly. At one point, Grandfather had aged and became unwell. As he lay in the hospital bed, he chose to be surrounded by his wife and children.

The Voodoo Priestess, fueled by rage and betrayal at not being his chosen one, set her curse. She vowed that Grandfather and his descendants would never feel the joy and contentment that comes with lasting love. Barbara confirmed to me that despite the many attempts by her many family members to find satisfying love, all relationships attempted ended abruptly, often with great volatility that further damaged the cursed individual.

Barbara is a gifted clairvoyant, who sees images from our past, present, and future lives. She also works closely with God energy and the Angels and lives a life in service to others. Being a “good person”, “psychic”, and “spiritual” was not enough to prevent her from being either harmed by this by this generational curse or able to remove it.

With Barbara’s permission, I brought her story to our Reiki group. One Reiki Master has access to great divine and energetic abilities, but with a group those abilities increase exponentially. As a group we eradicated the harmful curse, as though it had never been placed. We then blessed each person who had been impacted by it with divine light and love, to further increase their luck and support their ability to find their lasting romantic love.

Six months after removal of the curse, I requested feedback from Barbara. She reported that she and her extended family (15-20 people still living) continue to feel impacted by this curse. I checked again, and confirmed that the curse had, in fact, been removed.

What remained however, was some sticky residue that continued to hinder each individual’s chance at lasting romantic love. I also noticed that each of these individuals had learned certain patterns or expectations related to love. Removing the residue may not be enough to change their outcomes in love. After removing the residue, I blessed and/or reprogramed each of these individuals so that those who wish to find lasting romantic love will be presented with that opportunity by someone whose intentions are for their highest good.

These individuals will now know that they, too, can receive true love.

You do not need to continue to suffer under a curse, whether it is generational, from a past life, or placed by Voodoo/Black Magic. With Divine Light we can remove the curse and leave you feeling healed and ready to embark on your journey with increased luck and love
